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PSD NEWS RELEASE: Sheriffs and Honolulu Police searching for person of interest in connection to a missing handgun from the Oahu Community Correctional Center

Posted on Oct 19, 2016 in Latest Department News

UPDATE: The missing firearm was recovered earlier this evening, and Janelle Newcomb was later arrested.

HONOLULU – State Sheriffs and Honolulu Police are looking for a woman in connection with the search for a firearm missing from the Oahu Community Correctional Center. At approximately 1 p.m., an Adult Correction’s Officer’s .38 revolver was left unattended in a publicly accessible restroom at the main entrance. When the corrections officer went back to retrieve it, the firearm was gone. Sheriffs and officers are looking for Janelle Newcomb, who was seen in the area and is considered a person of interest.

“We are working with the State Sheriffs and Honolulu Police to find this woman and the missing firearm.  This situation is one that we take very seriously.  A full investigation is being conducted so we can make sure safeguards are in place to prevent this from happening again,” said Public Safety Director Nolan Espinda.

Janelle Newcomb is 35 years old.  She is 5’9” tall, and weighs 237 lbs.  She has brown hair and brown eyes. Newcomb was released from OCCC after her case was dismissed in court.

Sheriffs and Honolulu Police ask that you call 911 or the Sheriff Division at 586-1352 if you see her.

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Toni Schwartz
Public Information Officer
Hawaii Department of Public Safety
Office: 808-587-1358
Cell: 808-683-5507

