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OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR — Governor Ige approves City & County of Honolulu’s request for singers, musicians to perform at restaurants, bars

Posted on Jun 25, 2020 in Latest Department News, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige has approved Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s proposal to allow singing and/or playing of wind instruments at indoor and outdoor restaurants/bars, with some restrictions.

  • Performers who sing or play wind instruments must keep a distance of at least 10 feet from other people.
  • Performers who sing or play wind instruments need not wear face coverings, but a physical barrier is required between performers and patrons/staff for indoor restaurants/bars.
  • The 10-foot distance requirement does not apply to members of the same performing group.

Mayor Caldwell’s proposal is included in the second amendment to the City and County of Honolulu’s Emergency Order No. 2020-16, posted online at

Mayor’s Emergency Order No. 2020 here

Mayor’s Third Supplemental Proclamation here


Media Contacts:

Jodi Leong
Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0043
[email protected]

Cindy McMillan
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Office: 808-586-0012
[email protected]