UH News Advisory/Photo Opportunities: Award-winning Forensics Summer Course Attracts 24 local and international students
Posted on Jul 23, 2018 in Latest Department NewsThe University of Hawaiʻi (UH) John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM), the UH Mānoa (UHM) Outreach College and UH West Oʻahu (UHWO) are once again collaborating on a hands-on summer course leading to a certificate in forensic science.
The one-week course includes an intensive workshop covering the analysis of human skeletal remains as they relate to forensic anthropology and forensic medicine. Twenty-four students from around the world including German and Southeast Asia are registered this year.
Kakaʻako on Tuesday
Classroom training with skeletal samples has begun in the JABSOM Department of Anatomy, Biochemistry and
Physiology on the JABSOM Kakaʻako Campus. Availability to visit the bone lab is at or shortly after 10 a.m., escorted by media contact (T Shelton) by request.
West Oʻahu site on Wednesday
On Wednesday, from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. (with a one-hour lunch break at noon) the action moves to the back “great lawn” of the campus of the University of Hawaiʻi at West Oʻahu. There, participants will take part in field recovery of skeletal remains in a simulated crime scene setting. Working individually and in small teams, students will analyze a human skeleton and compile a biological profile consisting of the individual’s age at death, sex, ancestry, stature, bone disease, and trauma.
The course, offered last year for the first time, earned UH an award for “Best Non-Credit Course” from the Western Association of Summer Session Administrators. JABSOM Adjunct Professor of Anatomy Robert “Bob” Mann and Dr. Jennifer Byrnes, Forensic Anthropologist of UHWO, are course co-leaders.
Media interested in covering the course should contact Tina Shelton for JABSOM and Greg Wiles for UHWO.
See a video about the class at: https://youtu.be/tt2ir9sS96s
Tina Shelton
(808) 554-2586 Mobile
[email protected]
Director of Communications, Media
& Government Affairs
University of Hawaiʻi John A. Burns School of Medicine