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Launch of Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard: April 1 at Hawai‘i State Capitol

Posted on Mar 30, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

(Honolulu, March 25, 2015) – Governor Ige, the four County Mayors, Office of Hawaiian Affairs leadership, and University of Hawai‘i President Lassner will launch the Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard during an open event April 1, 2015 at the Hawai‘i State Capitol Auditorium. The Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard is a new online tool designed for the public and decision makers to track state and county progress on achieving the Aloha+ Challenge targets. The pilot Dashboard features shared indicators for two of the six Aloha+ Challenge targets: clean energy and solid waste reduction. Indicators for all six targets will be available by 2017.

Media are invited to attend.

What: Launch of Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard

When: 4:30 to 7:00 pm, Wednesday, April 1

Pupus and refreshments at 4:30 pm. Program begins at 5:00pm.

Where: Hawai‘i State Capitol Auditorium

Who: Governor Ige, the four County Mayors, Office of Hawaiian Affairs leadership, University of Hawai‘i President Lassner, and Hawai‘i Green Growth

Hosted by: Senator Mike Gabbard, Representative Chris Lee and Hawai‘i Green Growth

Why: The Aloha+ Challenge is a joint commitment to achieve six sustainability targets by 2030 in the areas of clean energy, local food production, natural resource management, solid waste reduction, smart growth and climate resilience, green jobs and education. The Aloha+ Challenge was unanimously endorsed by the 2014 Legislature (SCR 69) and signed by Hawai‘i’s Governor, Mayors and Office of Hawaiian Affairs. It was also internationally recognized as a model of integrated sustainability at the UN Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa.