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NEWS RELEASE: Governor Ige signs bills to boost manufacturing, strengthen the Good Samaritan law and establish Farm to School program

Posted on Jul 7, 2015 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige signed four bills into law today during bill signing ceremonies at the State Capitol. The bills signed include:

Manufacturing and Technology:

  • SB 1001 (Act 215) – Relating to Manufacturing, will provide grants to manufacturers in the state through the High Technology Development Corporation. Grants may be used for equipment, training, improving the energy efficiency of equipment, or for studying or planning the implementation of a new manufacturing facility. This program will help Hawai‘i’s manufacturers increase output while reducing costs, allowing them to be more competitive globally.
  • HB 1069 (Act 216) – Relating to Technology, will expand the Small Business Innovation Research Awards matching grant program that currently supports companies in the start-up phase of development. Grants made through the high technology development corporation will help businesses that are ready to move on into prototyping or commercialization.

“We are making significant investments in innovation and technology R&D. These measures represent a strong commitment to the diversification of our state’s economy and the creation of thousands of high-paying jobs in new businesses providing an array of products and services,” said Gov. Ige.

Medical Amnesty for Overdoses/Good Samaritan:

  • SB 982 (Act 217) – Relating to medical amnesty, allows limited immunity for individuals (most frequently close friends or family members) who call 911 to prevent an alcohol or drug overdose from becoming fatal. The most common reason people do not call 911 in this situation is fear of police involvement. This law will allow individuals to come to the assistance of another without fear that calling 911 would result in their subsequent arrest.

“This will law will encourage bystanders who may otherwise hesitate to act. Overdose deaths are preventable, and this law will save lives,” said Gov. Ige.

Farm to School:

  • SB 376 (Act 218) – Relating to Farm to School Program, establishes the Hawaii farm to school program and funds a farm to school coordinator position. Across the nation, farm to school programs are reconnecting students to a better understanding of the food system and where their food comes from. Farm to school programs introduce students to healthier eating habits and help them become familiar with new vegetables and fruits that they and their families will then be more willing to incorporate into their own diets. The farm to school coordinator will negotiate the complicated process of procuring local agricultural for our schools.

Governor Ige announced that he has asked Lieutenant Governor Shan Tsutsui to spearhead this initiative.

“For a number of years we’ve talked about the importance of Farm to School programs, and this bill signing takes the process a giant step forward. This program will ensure that our kids have nutritious meals as they learn about locally grown produce and cattle. This is a tremendous opportunity, and I look forward to working with the program coordinator, various state departments and agencies and the community to make sure we continue to move forward,” said Lt. Gov. Tsutsui.


Media Contact:

Cindy McMillan

Communications Director

Office: 808-586-0012

Mobile: 808-265-7974

[email protected]