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Office of the Governor: Nearly 90 percent of State employees are vaccinated

Posted on Sep 24, 2021 in COVID-19, COVID-19 News Releases, Latest Department News, Newsroom

HONOLULU – The Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) has released updated vaccination rates for the State of Hawaiʻi’s executive branch employees.

As of September 13, 2021:

  • 88.8% of the state’s executive branch employees are vaccinated for COVID-19
  • 2.6% are partially vaccinated
  • 8.6 percent are NOT vaccinated.

The departments with the highest fully vaccinated rates are:

  • Dept. of Human Resources Development: 100%
  • Dept. of Business, Economic Development & Tourism: 95.4%
  • Dept. of Labor & Industrial Relations: 95%

The departments with the lowest fully vaccinated rates are:

  • Dept. of Public Safety: 79.4%
  • Dept. of Transportation: 84.9%
  • Dept. of Human Services: 87.8%

“The State of Hawaiʻi has continued its upward trend, increasing the executive branch’s fully vaccinated rate by more than 3% in the last month.  Additionally, more employees have chosen to initiate vaccinations, moving us towards a more fully vaccinated and safer population,” said DHRD Director Ryker Wada. “I remain optimistic that the state will continue to increase its vaccination rate in the coming months.”

“I am pleased with the vaccination rates for the state’s executive branch employees. A highly vaccinated work population not only protects our workplaces, co-workers and our families, but it decreases the likelihood of interruptions in state services,” said Gov. Ige.

While DHRD was collecting, aggregating and comparing data, it found an error in the formula used to compute the August 16, 2021 data. The updated numbers are as follows:

As of August 16, 2021:

  • 85.6 % of the state’s executive branch employees were vaccinated for COVID-19 (previously reported at 87.6%)
  • 5.1% were partially vaccinated (previously reported at 4.9%)
  • 9.3% were NOT vaccinated (previously reported at 7.6%)

More than 300 employees have joined the executive branch since Aug. 16 and are not included in this data.

DHRD reports that three executive branch employees have been discharged due to non-compliance with the vaccination/testing requirements.

The vaccination rates do not include the University of Hawaiʻi and the Department of Education.


21-09-21 Exec Branch Data_Vaccination Rates
