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OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – Statement – Governor David Ige issues statement on DOE budget

Posted on Jan 21, 2021 in COVID-19, COVID-19 News Releases, Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

Statement by Governor David Ige:

Due to the pandemic and subsequent reduction in revenues, we anticipated that the Dept. of Education, which is the largest general funded department, would have to take a 10% cut to its budget. However, with additional federal funds and more optimistic revenue projections by the Council on Revenues, we are able to reset the department’s target reductions to 2.5%. This represents about $123 million dollars that we can now restore to our public-school classrooms so our students can be set on the path to prosperity and success.


Media Contacts:

Jodi Leong

Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0043


Cindy McMillan

Communications Director

Office of the Governor

Office: 808-586-0012