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Posted on Jul 23, 2021 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) Airports Division and the Department of Public Safety advise the public of an uptick in auto thefts involving unsecured vehicles from airport parking lots.

As of July 21, there have been 13 vehicles stolen from parking lots at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL). Of those 13 vehicles, all but one were associated with car sharing or person to person rental.

Sheriffs and airport security have increased patrols. During these patrols, they’ve observed vehicles being left in airport lots unlocked, with the windows down, or with spare keys placed on the vehicle.

We strongly advise the public not to leave spare keys on or in vehicles parked at the airport. Tips to reduce the chance of theft or vandalism are:

  1. Remove your extra key. Car thieves know common hiding areas on cars and keeping the key on or in your car makes it easier to steal.
  2. Remove your parking ticket and other valuables. If someone does try to steal your car, they will not have the ticket needed to leave the lot. A thief may be more reluctant to target a vehicle when they would need to pay the lost ticket penalty.
  3. Arrive early for your flight. Give yourself enough time at the airport so you don’t leave anything behind or leave your vehicle unlocked.

If you witness suspicious activity at HNL, call the Airport Unit – 24-hour dispatch at (808) 836-6606.

As a reminder,  Hawaii Administrative Rule 19-20.1 prohibits commercial operations without the approval of HDOT at the airports.
