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PSD News Release: Department of Public Safety COVID-19 update

Posted on Sep 22, 2021 in Latest Department News, Newsroom

HONOLULU – The overall department-wide vaccination rate has increased to 84.5% as of September 15, 2021. This is a 7.4% increase over the 77.1% reported on August 16 to the Department of Human Resources and Development. The September 15 percentages represent 2,136 employees (out of 2271) who submitted their attestation forms. It excludes employees who are out on various types of leave (medical, FMLA, military, etc.) and not available to report their status yet. We expect the percentage to rise even more once those employees on leave return and submit their attestation.

The breakdown for The Department of Public Safety’s (PSD) Corrections Division, Law Enforcement Division and Administration Division, based on attestation forms received, is as follows:






VAX 85.84%
NOT VAX 11.45%



VAX 87.74%
NOT VAX 10.32%




VAX 100%


VAX 100%


It is a concern when inmates and staff choose not to be vaccinated. That is why PSD has continued efforts to educate staff and inmates about the vaccine and encourage all staff to get vaccinated, if not for themselves, for their loved ones, co-workers and individuals under their supervision and care.

PSD has seen a substantial increase in both staff and inmate vaccinations that we believe is a result of these efforts.

PSD previously released a point-in-time study of inmate vaccinations for June 21, 2021, compiled by PSD’s Health Care Division. The percentages represented inmates in custody who were fully vaccinated as of June 21. The Health Care Division recently conducted a second point-in-time study as of September 14, 2021. (Please keep in mind that this is a snapshot. The inmate population is transient and changes by the hour as courts order intakes and releases throughout the day).

June 21, 2021             Sept 14, 2021              +/-%

Prison Vaccination

KCF                             89%                             91%                             +2%

WCF                            82%                             88%                             +6%

HCF                            71%                             92%                             +21%

WCCC                        51%                             63%                             +12%

Jail Vaccination

KCCC                         58%                             70%                             +12%

MCCC                         47%                             44%                             -3%

OCCC                         41%                             49%                             +8%

HCCC                         23%                             56%                             +33%


TOTAL                       54%                             66%                             +12%

Total statewide percentage of fully vaccinated inmates on June 21 = 54%

Total statewide percentage of fully vaccinated inmates on September 14 = 66%

That’s an increase of 12%.

COVID-19 testing is continuously being conducted in the state prisons and jails as well as in the contracted Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ. The latest testing updates received for other correctional facilities are as follows:

Oahu Community Correctional Center – 27 inmate test results: Three (3) positive, 24 negative. There were 147 inmate recoveries reported, which drops the total active inmate cases at OCCC to just 16. Two (2) OCCC employees reported a positive test result.

Hawaii Community Correctional Center – Seven (7) inmate test results: One (1) positive, six (6) negative. There were also four (4) inmate recoveries reported which brings the active inmate cases down to two (2).

Kauai Community Correctional Center – 14 negative inmate test results. There were six (6) inmate recoveries reported, which brings the total active inmate cases down to two (2).

Waiawa Correctional Facility – Six (6) negative inmate test results.

Maui Community Correctional Center – One (1) inmate recovery was reported.  The facility is clear of all active COVID-19 cases.


The Department of Public Safety (PSD) continues to encourage all staff and inmates to voluntarily get tested and receive the COVID-19 vaccination. For more detailed inmate testing data, PSD’s Pandemic Plan and information on response efforts made to safeguard the inmates, staff and public, visit the dedicated COVID-19 webpage at:

