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Posted on May 12, 2021 in Top Priorities

On April 22, 2020, Hawaii was awarded $9,993,387 in federal funding from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund as part of the CARES Act. As each state addresses the significant impacts of the novel coronavirus, the state of Hawaii is embracing three basic tenets of relief, resilience, and reinvention to go beyond “surviving the pandemic” to transforming and reinventing education as a result of it. Governor Ige convened the GEER Advisory Group of education leaders from Hawaii’s public, private and charter schools in June 2020 to address the unprecedented needs that emerged due to the pandemic.

” . . . this pandemic is changing Hawai‘i, and every organization needs to reinvent itself in the post-COVID environment. We hope these emergency funds can plug gaps, provide incentives, and fund organizations and schools doing innovative things to both respond to the pandemic and set a course for educational change and reform.”

Governor Ige’s remarks to the GEER Advisory Group – June 16, 2020

GEER News and Updates

  • Midweek article on Assets School’s Transforming Lives Center: PDF
  • Hawaii Space Flight Lab and Volcano School participates in Bytemarks Cafe radio show: video
  • Governor remarks on 31 recipients for first community of practice meeting: video
  • GEER Funding Announcement: Official News Release
  • Governor Invests $8.1 million in 31 Innovative Education Programs: Official News Release
  • GEER Awardees by Amount: PDF
  • GEER Awardees by Name: PDF
  • Waiʻanae High School and DOT Project Video: Youtube link

Additional Information