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New parakeet bill and DLNR app to protect isle resources

Posted on Jun 30, 2017 in Capitol Connection, Featured, Main
Governor Ige with Rep. Nadine Nakamura, who introduced the bill, and Kauai legislators, county and community leaders at Grove Farm Homestead and Museum.

Governor Ige with Rep. Nadine Nakamura, who introduced the bill, and Kauai legislators, county and community leaders at Grove Farm Homestead and Museum.

Controlling rose-ringed parakeets

On a recent trip to Kaua‘i, Governor Ige signed House Bill 655 aimed at reducing the rose-ringed parakeet population. “They’re one of the most widespread invasive species on the planet,” he said. “They’ve had a tremendous impact on the island.”

The bill appropriates $75,000 to the Department of Land and Natural Resources to develop a plan to reduce the negative impact of the birds. Senate President Ron Kouchi compared the dangers of the parakeets, which harm native plants and fruits, to that of the coqui frog, which has spread across Hawai‘i Island.

New DLNR app helps people report violations via smartphones

The state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has launched a new app to help people report violations anonymously and connect with officers at the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE).

“We do have a lot of land to cover, and the only way we’re going to be able to do that is through citizen engagement,” said Robert Farrell, DOCARE’s enforcement chief. The app, DLNRTip, allows people to report illegal hunting and fishing as well as polluters. It’s available free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or at


Read more in our July issue