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Engineering Hawaiʻi’s Future

Engineering Hawaiʻi’s Future

Commitment to the People of Hawaii

The Ige Administration brings a leadership style to our state that works to do the right things, the right way in an honest, transparent, accountable, and responsive manner. Governor David Ige and all appointees pledge to serve the people of Hawaii with the highest standard of transparency and accessibility to ensure there are no conflicts of interest.

The Ige Administration aspires to

  • display a leadership style that moves Hawaii forward collectively instead of favoring special interests.
  • be held accountable for its actions.
  • make state government more efficient, especially in the procurement of goods and services and the hiring of personnel.
  • spend public funds thoughtfully and without waste to avoid raising taxes.
  • address the issues facing our state in a direct and forthright manner.
  • conduct government affairs openly and be visible to the public.
  • hold regular news conferences.
  • have no hidden agendas.
  • hear all views and strive to find the best solution for all.

The Ige Administration will display efficiency, innovation in developing solutions, adaptability to a rapidly changing environment, and above all, accountability to its “customers,” the people of Hawaii.

  1. Budget
  2. Economy
  3. Education
  4. Health Care
  5. Seniors
  6. Environment
  7. Energy
  8. Agriculture
  9. Affordable Housing and Homelessness
  10. County Partnerships
  11. Open Government