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The Ige Administration will support our growing senior population and their families. By 2030 nearly 25 percent of Hawaii’s population will be 65 years of age or older. Hawaii has the fastest growing senior population in the country so we must start now to ensure we are prepared to meet the needs of older persons.

Ige Administration Seniors’ Plan

  • Support a comprehensive approach for family caregivers to care for their loved ones when they are discharged from healthcare facilities.
  • Expedite establishing Aging and Disability Resource Centers in each county to provide kupuna and their families with a single point of entry to receive information about long-term care provided by a multitude of agencies, public and private.
  • Work with the City and County of Honolulu – and eventually other counties – along with the AARP to help Hawaii become the first age-friendly state in the nation by meeting guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO) on outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, social inclusion, and health services.
  • Coordinate acute medical care with long-term care so that there is collaboration and coordination of both systems.

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