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2016 Acts

For a full report from the Hawai’i State Legislature, click HERE.

ACT 203, SB2317 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/5/2016
RELATING TO HEALTH Requires the Department of Health to submit annual reports to the Legislature relating to child and maternal deaths and death reviews in the State. Requires, upon written […]
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ACT 202, SB2652 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/5/2016
RELATING TO TAXATION Establishes a 5-year renewable fuels production tax credit applicable to taxable years beginning after 12/31/2016. Repeals the ethanol facility tax credit. (CD1) ACT 202, SB2652 SD2 HD2 […]
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ACT 201, HB1807 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2016
RELATING TO MILITARY SERVICE Authorizes reserve and national guard members to receive paid military leave while on inactive-duty training. (HB1807 CD1) ACT 201, HB1807 HD2 SD1 CD1
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ACT 200, HB1753 HD3 SD2 CD1, 7/5/2016
RELATING TO MOPEDS Requires registration, inspections, and number plates for mopeds. (HB1753 CD1) ACT 200, HB1753 HD3 SD2 CD1
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ACT 199, HB1578 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/5/2016
RELATING TO THEFT Establishes the offense of theft of urn as a class C felony. Requires scrap dealers to follow the same requirements regarding a written statement for the purchase […]
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ACT 198, SB2888 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH PROCEDURES. Ensures the timely administration of mental health examinations. Separates examination for fitness to proceed from examinations to determine capacity for penal responsibility. Clarifies the […]
Read More ACT 198, SB2888 SD2 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 197, SB2375 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Establishes speed limits for the Daniel K. Inouye highway of sixty miles-per-hour beginning at mile marker 12 and forty-five miles-per-hour or any other speed limit as determined […]
Read More ACT 197, SB2375 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 196, SB2618 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Requires the department of transportation to conduct a feasibility study of establishing an interisland and intra-island ferry system. Makes an appropriation for the study. (CD1) ACT 196, […]
Read More ACT 196, SB2618 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 195, HB2086 HD2 SD2, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Appropriates and deposits general funds into the state highway fund as a subsidy. Requires governor to provide a plan to sustain the state highway fund. (SD2) ACT […]
Read More ACT 195, HB2086 HD2 SD2, 7/1/2016
ACT 194, HB2049 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Establishes the roads commission to make recommendations on the ownership of private roads. Adds roads, alleys, streets, ways, lanes, bikeways, and bridges to the list of public […]
Read More ACT 194, HB2049 HD2 SD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 193, HB2543 HD2 SD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO BROADBAND. Makes permanent the provisions of Act 151, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011, and Act 264, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013 that require the State and the counties […]
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ACT 192, SB2723 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO ENFORCEMENT OF WAGE LAWS. Amends the monetary penalties for contractors who violate wages and hours laws. (CD1) ACT 192, SB2723 SD1 HD2 CD1
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ACT 191, SB2896 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO THE PREVENTION OF UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES. Allows the Hawaii Labor Relations Board the option of serving complaints and notices of hearings via first class mail or by electronic […]
Read More ACT 191, SB2896 SD1 HD2 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 190, SB2289 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO LABOR. Requires employers to keep a record of the former physical addresses and current physical address of the employer and the North American Industry Classification System code applicable […]
Read More ACT 190, SB2289 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 188, HB2715 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO WORKERS’ COMPENSATION. Requires the Auditor to contract with an actuarial firm that has experience conducting workers’ compensation closed claims studies in the United States to perform a study […]
Read More ACT 188, HB2715 HD2 SD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 187, HB2363 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO LABOR. Excludes employers under certain circumstances from providing Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) coverage for themselves if they perform services for their own corporation, limited liability company (LLC), limited […]
Read More ACT 187, HB2363 HD1 SD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 186, SB2560 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH. Requires and appropriates funds for the department of health to provide treatment and care for homeless individuals with serious and persistent mental health challenges as a […]
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ACT 185, SB2387 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, requires a child to provide written documentation of a physical examination performed within twelve months prior to attending seventh grade […]
Read More ACT 185, SB2387 SD2 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 184, SB2384 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO LICENSING INSPECTIONS. Requires the department of health to: (1) conduct unannounced visits and inspections, including inspections for relicensing and recertification, for certain state-licensed or state-certified care facilities beginning […]
Read More ACT 184, SB2384 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
ACT 183, SB2672 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016
RELATING TO ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSES. Amends various statutes to clarify the role of advanced practice registered nurses with regards to their authority and participation in the health care system. […]
Read More ACT 183, SB2672 SD1 HD1 CD1, 7/1/2016