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Galvanizing the local creative industry – During the pandemic with people hunkered down at home, demand for online entertainment skyrocketed. Hawai‘i became one of the safest spots in the world ...
Read More New tech opportunities in a Hawai‘i 2.0 future

The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation has been an essential part of the state’s COVID-19 response — from helping to improve the travel experience at airports and making sure goods kept ...
Read More Investing in infrastructure for an enduring legacy

After decades of relying on antiquated, paper-based systems, the Ige administration has modernized many government operations across multiple state departments to better serve the public. The Department of Taxation’s (DoTAX) ...
Read More Modernizing state government for better public service

In a pandemic, what kind of help matters most? For First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige, the answers have been food for families and books for children. The reach of Kaukau 4 ...
Read More Nourishing families, keiki in ways that matter

Public schools welcome back students – The smiles said it all as students, teachers and staff finally returned in person to campuses statewide. The DOE worked closely with the DOH ...
Read More Schools, colleges stay strong for a new generation

Biennium Budget Slides FY 2021-2023

Posted on Dec 20, 2021 in Main

Capitol Connection 2021

Posted on Dec 10, 2021 in Main

December 2021 From the governor: A new phase and climate action November 2021 From the governor: ‘Cautious optimism’ for the road ahead October 2021 From the governor: Vaccinations, testing to ...
Read More Capitol Connection 2021

If Hawai‘i is going to survive climate change, it will be up to us and future generations to lead the way. Much of the work falls to the state’s natural ...
Read More Protecting Hawai‘i – from the mountains to the sea

Congratulations, Hawai‘i! We’ve survived another year of COVID-19, managed the Delta surge and vaccinated nearly 71.1% (adjusted on 11/29) of our state’s population. Although we need to stay vigilant, Hawai‘i ...
Read More From the governor: A new phase and climate action

The state Department of Health’s push for free COVID-19 vaccinations continues, especially among children recently approved to receive the Pfizer vaccine. “The priority right now is getting those 5 to ...
Read More DOH urges vaccinations for keiki and boosters for adults