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Capitol Connection 2021

Posted on Dec 10, 2021 in Main
December 2021 From the governor: A new phase and climate action
November 2021 From the governor: ‘Cautious optimism’ for the road ahead
October 2021 From the governor: Vaccinations, testing to save lives
September 2021 From the governor: It’s up to all of us to stop the surge
August 2021 From the governor: Vaccinations more important than ever
July 2021 From the governor: Getting vaccinated to reach our goals
June 2021 From the governor: Celebrating wins on and off the court
May 2021 Milestones for vaccines; intercounty travel and climate change
April 2021 From the governor: Hopeful signs after a long, hard year
March 2021 Lessons from the pandemic for a Hawai‘i 2.0 future
February 2021 Hope for Hawai‘i and the road ahead
January 2021 Hope, challenges as vaccines arrive