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There are currently over two million women veterans in the United States of which nearly 17,000 make Hawaii their home.

In the United States, there were nearly 20,000 gun-related homicides, over 20,000 suicides with a gun, and nearly 300 children killed by gun violence last year. We can do better. ...

The U.S. Postal Service issued a new Forever Stamp to honor America’s Nisei “Go For Broke Soldiers” on June 3, 2021.

How do we prepare for the future when we’re still navigating the pandemic? We might take a page out of the UH men’s volleyball team playbook as 2021 NCAA champions. ...
Read More From the Governor: Celebrating wins on and off the court

Governor Ige has issued an amendment to the 19th emergency proclamation, lifting the mask mandate for all individuals outdoors, effective immediately. Mask wearing is still highly recommended outdoors, when in ...
Read More Governor lifts outdoor mask requirement, gives green light to ocean sports competitions

The Hawai‘i Department of Health is planning a major campaign this month to encourage people to get their COVID-19 vaccinations. #HIgotvaccinated activities will include promotional events and other incentives for ...
Read More COVID-19 vaccination campaign set for June

Public K-12 schools will return to full in-person learning starting Aug. 3 as more students get vaccinated and ongoing safety practices are in place, said outgoing Department of Education Superintendent ...
Read More In-person learning for DOE and vaccinated UH students

For students across the state, how do we translate lessons learned from the pandemic into real innovation in education?  Part of the answer could be the nearly $10 million Governor’s ...
Read More GEER funds: Innovating to improve education statewide

A new federal program to help low-income households pay for internet service is available now. Under the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), eligible households ...
Read More New Emergency Broadband Benefit program to expand access

The big picture: What is Hawai‘i 2.0? “It’s seeing the future and finding ways to keep the state, our workforce and businesses in the forefront,” said Governor Ige. “The lesson ...
Read More Workforce resiliency: a ‘Be Ready for Anything’ future