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Phyllis Shimabukuro-Geiser was designated acting chairperson for the Board of Agriculture last month. She has also served as deputy to the chairperson since 2015. Shimabukuro-Geiser is a long-time advocate of ...
Read More Phyllis Shimabukuro-Geiser appointed as Board of Agriculture chairperson, Glenn Muranaka as deputy

Building a better Hawai’i for generations to come Excerpts of the Governor’s 2019 State of the State Address   “The future has a name, and it is the name of ...
Read More Building a better Hawai’i for generations to come

Proclamation Special Election

Posted on Jan 29, 2019 in Main

Maria Cook Resume Renee Sonobe Hong Resume Jodie Maesaka-Hirata Resume    

Department of Agriculture Denise Albano (Resume) has been appointed chairperson of the Hawai‘i Board of Agriculture. Albano has served as the Department of Agriculture’s water director since 2016, creating and ...
Read More Governor Ige makes leadership appointments at Agriculture Department and DBEDT

Audrey Hidano (Resume) is re-appointed to serve as deputy comptroller at the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS), a position she has held since April 2015. Prior to joining DAGS, ...
Read More Governor Ige makes deputy director appointments to DAGS, DLIR, Budget & Finance

  Lynn A.S. Araki-Regan Resume is appointed by Gov. David Ige as first deputy, Department of Transportation Administration. She was previously employed with the County of Maui, serving as the economic development ...
Read More Governor Ige announces Department of Transportation appointments

View this release online here. HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is pursuing Medicaid reimbursement opportunities for support services offered to eligible students during school hours.  If ...
Read More HIDOE News Release: Parents and guardians of special needs students asked to help facilitate Medicaid reimbursements to HIDOE