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Creating a roadmap to recovery for Hawaiʻi

Posted on Apr 30, 2020 in Capitol Connection, Featured
Alan Oshima, economic recovery navigator, looks ahead.

Alan Oshima, economic recovery navigator, looks ahead.

For Hawai‘i, what does economic recovery in the wake of COVID-19 look like?  Many of the answers will come from a collaboration of public health experts, community stakeholders, economic advisors and legislative leaders, led by veteran business executive Alan M. Oshima, former president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. Oshima was selected to “navigate” the efforts of the governor’s office, based on his business acumen and volunteerism with community organizations. He will be coordinating with the House and Senate COVID-19 committees and others to develop the state’s phased recovery.

Both Senate President Ron Kouchi and House Speaker Scott Saiki reinforced the importance of building on the partnerships with the Ige administration that formed at the start of the 2020 legislative session. Oshima emphasized, “There are so many individuals and organizations that want to help and have already started looking for solutions. The Hawai‘i Economic and Community Recovery & Resiliency Plan will include a three-part strategy to address the economic and community impacts of COVID-19. They include stabilization (immediate health and economic needs), recovery (job growth and investment); and resiliency (restructuring for Hawai‘i’s “new normal” and a stronger future). Learn more at

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