Hawai’i launches ‘School Breakfast Month’ for March
Posted on Feb 26, 2020 in Capitol Connection, FeaturedWhether it’s a “Grab and Go” kalo bowl or other ‘ono items, the state’s keiki are eating healthier school breakfasts, thanks to an initiative launched by First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige, the Hawai‘i Department of Education (HIDOE), the No Kid Hungry foundation and other community partners. “Since the governor is proclaiming March “School Breakfast Month,” we wanted to highlight our ‘Jump Start Breakfast’ project to encourage more students and families to participate,” said Mrs. Ige.
Mrs. Ige moderates a panel with other First Spouses to talk about successful initiatives in their state.
HIDOE is testing new breakfast options to help students jumpstart their day as well as incorporating more local products through its ‘Aina Pono Farm to School program. Legislators got to taste kalo bowls delivered by Kaimuki High. Other events include a March 2 governor’s proclamation at Pālolo Elementary and a March 4 Jump Start Breakfast Celebration at Honowai Elementary. Honowai is piloting a “breakfast in the classroom” approach while several Leeward schools are offering the “Grab and Go” option.
“Our students need to have a positive start to their day for good health and academic success,” said Mrs. Ige, who is vice chair of the National Governors’ Spouses Leadership Committee. She shared the project’s success as part of a discussion during NGA meetings in Washington, D.C. For project details, go to https://ainapono.org/jumpstart/.