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Increased minimum wage, tax relief and other solutions

Posted on Jan 30, 2020 in Capitol Connection, Featured
State leaders and community advocates are joining forces to reduce costs for families.

State leaders and community advocates are joining forces to reduce costs for families.

The first thing we agreed to do was to put more money into pockets of working people. But how do you increase wages without increasing the cost of living? The two are joined at the hip. Clearly, increasing the minimum wage alone would not do it. But a modest increase phased over time, combined with targeted tax relief, could result in an annual cash benefit of $4,400 to each worker. We believe we have hit the sweet spot that will make a difference for our working families. Still, some say, that is not enough. And that’s why our package also includes initiatives to reduce the cost of childcare and housing, two of the biggest expenses in a family’s budget.

Read more in the February Capitol Connection newsletter

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