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Major solar projects push state toward energy goals

Posted on Nov 27, 2019 in Capitol Connection, Featured
Advocates for clean energy turned out for the HECO - Clearway solar blessing.

Advocates for clean energy turned out for the HECO – Clearway solar blessing.

The Ige administration’s goal of generating 100 percent of our electricity from renewable energy sources took a giant leap forward in September with the completion of Hawai‘i’s largest collection of solar farms in Kawailoa, Waipi‘o and Mililani. Governor Ige praised the projects — the result of a partnership between Hawaiian Electric Co. and the Clearway Energy Group — as “a glimpse into the future,” generating enough electricity for use by about 18,000 O‘ahu homes each year. “This project means thousands and thousands, probably millions of gallons of fossil fuel, will not be needed,” the governor said. “We need to achieve these bold agenda items one step at a time for our children and future generations. It’s about having a more sustainable way to live and share Mother Earth.”


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