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In the Spotlight: Todd Nacapuy, State Chief Information Officer

Posted on Nov 27, 2015 in Main

Todd-NacapuyWaialua High graduate Todd Nacapuy left a lucrative career as a tech entrepreneur in Seattle to come home to Hawai‘i, work for Microsoft— and, as it turns out, now has a unique opportunity to give back.

Appointed by Gov. David Ige as Hawai‘i’s chief information officer, Nacapuy, 38, is leading the state’s technology team to set the right systems and resources in place for a more effective, efficient and open government.

One of his first moves has been to initiate consolidation of the Office of Information Management and Technology (OIMT) and the Department of Accounting and General Services’ Information and Communication Services Division (ICSD) into a single, cohesive Office of Enterprise Technology Services.

“Enterprise” refers to statewide initiatives that leverage economies of scale and reduce waste, but it also reflects Nacapuy’s goal of changing state government’s culture to one that resembles a “commercially viable” business model. “We need to ask what is the return on investment of resources by the state,” he explained.“It doesn’t have to be a straight dollar value but more what are the cost-benefits to the state and taxpayers.”

Wasting no time, the office has already launched an electronic signature program, eSign Services, as part of the state’s move to a more efficient “paperless” environment. In addition, the office significantly accelerated the Executive Branch’s migration to Office 365, a  single communications platform that not only provides long-term budget sustainability but also fortifies security, expands applications and services, and adds tools for collaboration.

Todd Nacapuy - eSign webNacapuy said the goal is also to “change the culture of IT workers in Hawai‘i” by ramping up workforce development and creating career pathways for state employees — from help desk staff to system architect.   He said the idea is to help people up the career ladder — whether it’s within state agencies or the private sector — because, in the end, the whole community benefits.

“The governor reminded me that his kids will be graduating soon and will want to come back home.  No pressure, right?” he said, laughing.

Nacapuy said he decided to join the Ige administration after talking with the governor and seeing the caliber of the cabinet members and the values they represented. “It all comes down to leadership,” he explained.  “I was impressed with the governor’s integrity and his goal of wanting to restore public trust in government.  And when I saw his cabinet appointments — the best of the best — I knew I wanted to join the team.”

Photo caption: CIO Todd Nacapuy and his team demonstrate eSign Services for the governor and his staff.

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