Native Hawaiian families pick DHHL lots for new homes
Posted on Oct 31, 2016 in Main
A happy family with DHHL director Jobie Masagatani (left) and Gov. Ige at the Kaka’ina lot selection in Waimanalo.
It was a day for celebrating at a ceremony last month as dozens of families chose Hawaiian homestead lots in the Kaka‘ina subdivision in Waimānalo. The 44 lots are part of the most recent Department of Hawaiian Home Lands project. A sister subdivision finished last summer is also home to 45 Native Hawaiian families.
“The real focus is meeting the mission of returning Native Hawaiians to the land,” said Gov. Ige. “I’m proud that this administration has supported DHHL this year with the highest level of funding for the department.”
DHHL deputy director William Aila, Jr. added, “This will be a milestone in many people’s lives today. Going forward there will be challenges, but good challenges because in the end, you will have your hale.”