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GOVERNOR’S OFFICE NEWS RELEASE: Governor’s ESSA Team starts work on creating blueprint for Hawai‘i’s public education

Posted on Apr 29, 2016 in Latest Department News, Newsroom, Office of the Governor Press Releases

HONOLULU – The Governor’s Team on ESSA – Every Student Succeeds Act held its first introductory, organizational meeting on Thursday, April 28, during which the 19 members discussed innovation and empowerment as the team starts work to create the blueprint for public education in Hawai‘i.

Team members also discussed opportunities provided by the new federal law and its implications for Hawai‘i.

Team members were addressed by Gov. David Ige, BOE Chairperson Lance Mizumoto and ESSA Team Chairperson Darrel Galera. First Lady Dawn Amano Ige provided closing remarks and stressed the need to be student centered, to listen to student voices and to carefully envision the future needs of our students.

“The members of the Governor’s ESSA Team hit the ground running during the team’s first meeting. Team members were fully engaged in setting a strong foundation for the important work ahead to create a blueprint for public education in Hawai‘i,“ said Darrel Galera, ESSA Team chairperson.

Meeting minutes can be found here:


Media Contacts:

Jodi Leong

Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary

Office of the Governor

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Office of the Governor

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Mobile: 808-265-7974

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