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The Ige Administration will focus on growing the largest component of Hawaii’s economy, the visitor industry.

The Administration will work with our Congressional delegation to reverse the trend of declining Federal spending in Hawaii.

To increase our presence as the premier telecommunications center of the Pacific, the Administration will develop a new information industry.

Investments will be targeted to strategic growth industries, such as information technology, clean energy, health care, and local agriculture.

Ige Administration Tourism Action Plan

  • Increase domestic and international visitor travel to all of our islands by working with commercial airlines to schedule more flights to Hawaii. Work toward creating an additional international entry point at the Kona airport.
  • Work with our Congressional team to make it easier for international travelers to visit our islands by improving the visa issuance process in China, and through customs and immigration pre-clearance for visitors from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Korea to any of the Hawaiian Islands.
  • Increase the hotel capacity and provide needed infrastructure improvements in all our counties. State departments will be held accountable for expenditures of funds and completion of improvements.
  • Work with the Hawaii Convention Center to increase its use by more aggressively seeking corporate conferences and conventions.

Ige Administration Technology Action Plan

  • Attract technology firms by developing incentives for technology development, along with support systems to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Develop partnerships with organizations such as the University of Hawaii, the East-West Center, the Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation, and the High Technology Development Corporation to establish Hawaii as the innovation center of the Pacific.
  • Facilitate the availability of risk/venture capital for entrepreneurs and innovators in strategic growth industries, such as information technology, health care, energy and local agriculture.
  • Implement state-of-the art technology to enable State agencies to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

Budget | Economy | Education | Health Care | Seniors | Environment | Energy | Agriculture | Affordable Housing and Homelessness | County Partnerships | Open Government