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Renewable energy can be as significant for Hawaii’s economy as tourism.  We are blessed with abundant renewable energy resources—solar, wind, ocean, geothermal—that can be the foundation for a robust alternate energy industry.  We can also reduce Hawaii’s $6 billion a year dependence on imported oil and instead, keep funds here while creating new jobs in the process.

The Ige Administration will develop a comprehensive plan to bring citizens, government agencies, utilities, and community agencies together.

Ige Administration Energy Plan:

  • Direct and adequately staff the Hawaii State Energy Office to work with all relevant parties to plan and execute policies and programs to develop a clean energy industry in Hawaii, including training and hiring a strong local workforce.
  • Work with key stakeholders to address and overcome the challenges in meeting more aggressively our Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative goals and targets by modernizing the electrical grid, determining the proper mix of fuels at affordable cost, and working with the counties to reduce fossil fuel use in ground transportation.
  • Ensure adequacy of staff and independence of the Public Utilities Commission to make timely and sound decisions that will afford reliable and affordable electricity to benefit ratepayers.
  • Support state-of-the-art technology that increases the allowable amount of distributed generation and power sharing between consumers, and enabling installation of rooftop solar systems.
  • Create programs and incentives to increase clean energy production in Hawaii.

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