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Agriculture is critical to self-sufficiency and food security. Instead of continuing to import 90% of our food, we need to take steps to produce more food locally. The Administration is committed to making farming and local food production a thriving industry.

Ige Administration Agriculture Plan

  • Develop a long-range plan to increase the local food production from the current 10% to at least 20% by the end of the decade. The plan will also include the identification of lands for the production of flowers and nursery products, for raising livestock, and for developing bio-fuels. This plan will be used to guide decisions for irrigation and other infrastructure.
  • Provide more low-interest loans to farmers and ranchers.
  • Identify and preserve up to 200,000 acres of prime agricultural land to increase food production.
  • Establish agricultural parks statewide to accommodate small family farms.
  • Improve the monitoring of transported agricultural goods to prevent the introduction of invasive species.
  • Ensure sufficient funding for state pesticide officers who monitor, regulate, and enforce the use of restricted-use pesticides in order to protect the health and welfare of our residents.
  • Work with our Congressional delegation to enact a federal law to require GMO labeling. The public has the right to know what they are consuming, but there is a need for consistency across states that only the federal government can ensure. A federal law will avoid hurting local farmers, food manufacturers and distributors, who would incur added costs of complying with a state labeling law. A state GMO labeling law will be supported only if there are no adverse economic impacts on local farmers, food manufacturers and distributors.

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