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An innovative plan to cool our schools

Posted on Feb 29, 2016 in Main

In your State of the State address, you set an ambitious goal of cooling 1,000 public school classrooms — using energy-efficient means and a “green energy” fund — by the ...
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Capitol Connection March 2016

Posted on Feb 29, 2016 in Main

2016 State of the State Address

Posted on Feb 8, 2016 in Main

STATE OF THE STATE ADDRESS GOVERNOR DAVID Y. IGE TO THE TWENTY-EIGHTH STATE LEGISLATURE MEETING IN JOINT SESSION JANUARY 25, 2016 Speaker Souki, President Kouchi, former governors, distinguished justices of ...
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EDUCATION  • $26.5 million to support goals and objectives of each school via the Weighted Student Formula.  • $35 million in General Obligation bonds for a new Campbell High School ...
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Values into action: The road ahead

Posted on Feb 4, 2016 in Main

Making things right to make things happen isn’t just a nice slogan. If we are truthful and act accordingly, if we value the public trust, if we govern with people. ...
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Governing with compassion

Posted on Feb 4, 2016 in Main

For those who are homeless, we’re opening a new Family Assessment Center in Kaka‘ako that will house up to 240 people a year.  This facility will not be just another shelter, ...
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Legacy-building for the future

Posted on Feb 4, 2016 in Main

Strengthening our economic foundation – Tourism is generating over $14 billion each year in visitor spending and employing nearly 150,000 workers.  We want to establish Kona as a second international airport, modernize our airports ...
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Tackling tough issues, a vision for the future Excerpts of the 2016 State of the State Address by Governor David Y. Ige Many and yet one. Strength in diversity. A ...
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Capitol Connection February 2016

Posted on Jan 31, 2016 in Main